31 May 2013

Fish Oil for Baby Brain Function & Development

Fish Oil for Baby Brain Function & Development
When people talk about food for the baby brain, you tend to hear DHA.

What exactly is DHA?

DHA is a type of (good) fat. DHA stands for Docosahexaenoic acid, which is an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential in maintaining the well being of the body.

DHA is needed for the development of visual abilities and the nervous system during an infant's first 6 months of life. It also encourages the development of brain cells and facilitates the transmission of signals along the nerve cells.

How is DHA beneficial for babies and children?
  • Infants fed with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have better cognitive function.
  • Children of mothers who consumed fish oils during pregnancy exhibited better hand-eye coordination.
  • Other studies also show that rats with DHA deficiency had poorer learning abilities and memory.
Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by our body and must be taken from food sources or supplements.

It is found naturally in fatty fish such as cod, salmon, sardine and tuna. It is also available in fish oil and cod liver oil supplements.

15 May 2013

What do I want for my child?

What do I want for my child?
Every parent wants the best for their child, but what does that really mean?

Well, I'm not sure about others, for me it is to raise a happy and healthy child. I want to support my child to grow into one who can discipline himself, make fulfilling life choices, cope with life's ups and downs, be a good friend, partner and parent himself in the future.

I feel it is important to know what we want for our child, so that we are able to make decisions based on it. After all, as parents, we have to make seemingly never ending decisions for our little ones till they are old enough to decide for themselves.

Happy parenting!